Personal Computers.

“Invention is the mother of necessity”

This quote can be well explained in the context of personal computers, as we go back into the history of personal computers, we can see the in the beginning the keyboards were connected to the television screen and on that the coding was done to do the activities. Later the monitors came into existence which were connected to the system in order to work on it, and as the time passed by the computers with the functions such as calculations, paintings etc. emerged and sooner there was the emergence of laptops when the problem of space and portability occurred. And those laptops were very large as compared to the laptops of today’s generation. The time passed and the laptops also became compact and slimmer and with much advanced functions in it. Now people can perform many activities on it such as playing games, listening to music, watching movies, surfing internet etc.

So, to conclude it can be said that whenever man saw any complication in their invention, they felt the necessity to invent its better version as its solution, which proves itself in the context of the personal computers.

Films and cinemas.

“All history is relevant, but the history of technology is most relevant”

“All history is relevant, but the history of technology is most relevant”

Films seems to be very important part of every individual’s life. The industry of films has evolved a lot since the last centuries. Throwing light on the history of Films it is lucid that the evolution of the films can be noticed well after every decade. As we all know that in the beginning the films used to be a single static shot with no editing and cinematic techniques which showed an event or action. Later several scenes were stringed together to tell a story in which scenes were shot from multiple angles and distances. Earlier the films were made without sound (silent films) which left the whole idea on public imagination and later the idea of the sounds in the film evolved from the pianists playing at the back of the theaters to the sound added at time of making and editing of films. And with times there was the improvement in the sound quality and the picture quality as well. HD pictures were also introduced, and films were made in different genres. Soon the makers started to add the messages and morals to the films which were conveyed well to the audience. This evolution gradually made it a large-scale industry in which makers as well as the consumers (audience) invests. via GIPHY

The technology incorporates doing and thinking which means that the history of films is a proof that the process of doing and thinking leads to evolution of its technology, which becomes its history with the growing time. This makes the history of technology most relevant.


“Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral”

Smartphone is the best topic to explain this quote well. As we all know that todays generation is all about smartphones. Nowadays even a 4-year-old kid knows how to use a smartphone to play games or videos. From this we can well estimate that to which extent smartphones have spread its roots into our society. It doesn’t mean that the smartphones are bad there are many productive uses of it like internet surfing, multimedia functionality, calling, text messaging. It also supports wireless communication protocols such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and satellite navigation which connects us with the world. But apart from using it productively people are using it from bad intentions such as hacking, illegal activities, fraud calling or texting etc. also the young generation is becoming addictive to it. Or it can be also said that, It’s the new drug in the market. There are many false contents available on the smartphones which puts the young generation on the wrong track. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages of the smartphones in equal the equal quantity, it is the mixture of both good and bad.

In the end, it would not be fair to classify the smartphone or technology into the categories of good or bad because it is the mixture of both in the equal amounts. It all depends on the individual that either they can use it productively or they can fall prey of it by using it in false manner.